Monday, June 1, 2009

We Are...Project

We are interpreters of culture through music. Our theme was all based around music from the 70's and 80's. We learned about the impact on culture and the importance of music to the American people in the 70's and 80's. We learned about 4 different sub topics: Influence on different Genres of the 70s and 80s, influence of different famous People and Artists of the 70s and 80s, influence on basic music and technology, and influence on clothing and accessories. Through these four topics, we learned about the impact of music on the American people. We learned about the importance and cultural significance of different styles of music.

We picked different items for each of the sides of the box, with each side representing a different topic of interest. The first side had influence on different genres of the 70s and 80s. We found an old record and a slightly newer CD from the 70s and 80s respectively. The record and CD had completely different genres. One was rock while the other was jazz. There was also a pair of drumsticks, symbolizing the change of genres. The People and Artists of the 70s and 80s had 3 Record Cases which three famous people, including Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen. There were also short biographies on each artist. The third side, with basic music and technology, had pictures of a record player, mini-records (a newer invention for shorter singles). The fourth side, with the clothing and accessories, had a tape recorder as well as two "stylish" shirts from the 70s and 80s.

We obtained the items mostly through old clothing, records, and CDs that my group members and I had at our houses. We also took a look through Goodwill to see if we could find anything, but we only found one item.

The project went really smoothly. The only problem we encountered was the size of our box. Our box was very, very large and was difficult to transport. If we were to do this project again, we may use mulitple smaller boxes. We could also use a stack of boxes, so the transportation would be easier.

For next years class, I would advise them to look forward the project and just have fun with it. I would tell them not to think of it as work and just have fun. Also, I would tell them that they should make sure the topic they pick is something they are genuinely interested in, or else it would be difficult to have fun doing it.

by Vivek S.
Group members: Rainier, Crystal, Brett


  1. Nice topic! Good advice too. It is definitely difficult to try and find items for a box you don't want to do.
    Tracing music is a good idea--it has influenced our society in so many ways.

  2. Wow your group definitely had a lot of material to work with. I like the idea of the various subtopics and the items used to symbolize them.

  3. great idea. seems like you out lots of work into this..

  4. Good topic. I can imagine how hard it was finding items for your project.

  5. Very Nice Job! It seems like it would have been hard to find a wide variety but you did a good job. Also you have giveing very good advice for future students doing this project.

  6. Hey this is great! Also I agree it's tough to get interested in doing something you don't want to such as this project.

  7. Good job tying keeping your project specific, even though you had what would seem to be four broad topics! Great job!

  8. I really like how you began the post with the "We are" statement; I haven't seen anyone do that before! I also like your advice for next year. In the end, we learn best when we're having fun, right?
