Wednesday, June 3, 2009
We are...Conservation of Resources and Alternative Energies
We included a variety of items on our box that all have to do with the common theme. Just a few things that we found were a "green" brochure from Patagonia, some cardboard boxes with "Made in California" written on them, a Piazzas reusable grocery bag, and a bird that we covered in black paint to represent oil. Michael found the brochure while shopping in Seattle, which confirms that anything can be found anywhere and that you must keep your eyes peeled at all times for anything related to your topic. This is especially true with our topic because earth-friendly products are so plentiful. For example, Dane and I just found the two cardboard boxes with "made in California" written on them while walking through Piazzas shopping for organic cereal. We only had to ask the nice clerks if we could take them, and they agreed when we told them it was for a project. Lastly, Dane found the parrot at Diddums, a store with a great variety of party and miscellaneous items. We figured that we could use the bird to represent the 500,000 birds and various other sea creatures that died in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The black paint shows how the birds' movement would be restricted if fully covered in oil.
I learned a lot about the green movement and alternative energies through the course of this project. I would never have guessed that Earth Day has been going since 1970 or that the Exxon Valdez is still in service over 30 after the tragic incident. My group agreed that a good piece of advice for the next generation of students is to start looking and finding items as soon as possible because it is not possible to find specific items with only one week left until the due date. However, if you know what you are supposed to be looking for then you can just find items during your daily life which makes this project infinitely easier.
We are in fear of nuclear disaster by Brent

The theme of our project was basically about the nuclear scare that happened during the Cold War but we focused in during the time period from 1970 to 1990. We explored the fears that the people felt during the time period and also the technology that made these fears a grim reality. Our theme made it crystal clear that nuclear power and technology can pose fatal risks if the reactor sites malfunction like what happened at 3 Mile Island. Our theme was crafted to instill fear within the viewer to draw their attention to our barrel and then give them information about our topic and what we learned about it.
We had many items ranging from a book to a model rocket (which someone stole from our barrel when it was on display in the library). We also had movie posters from the time period such as Silkwood, which were depictions of how Hollywood showed the fears of the American people. When looking around to see what items I contributed to the group I asked my mom if she had anything to do with the nuclear threat. It turns out she had a great book called Missile Envy written by Helen Caldicott who had great insight on the risks of developing nuclear power. When I was flipping through the book a old piece of paper fell out of it, which I made a copy and attached to our barrel. The paper was a bunch of dots each representing a certain amount of nuclear bombs and it put into perspective to the viewer how much nuclear warheads were being built up and how devastating they could be during the world.
We obtained most of our items through the help of the Internet. David braved a scrap yard to find a huge barrel, which he painted yellow and used a stencil Joe made to paint the radioactive symbol on it. The barrel really stands out and can be tapped by the viewer of the project to discover its the real deal. You can see the rings of the barrel too and an imaginative viewer might fear the high frequency electromagnetic waves that could be coming out of the waste barrel. I found the book and other artifacts from my mom who had some things she could contribute from her bookshelf. Also, we replicated artifacts like the nuclear blanket and the nuclear warhead. In addition, Joe made a 3-d model of 3 Mile Island. We obtained our items by just looking around our houses and asking people to help us achieve our goals.
In the future, I think we should have chosen our items first and then the topic of our project. This would have made the project a lot easier since we could have a topic that we had easy access to awesome items too. Also, I think it might of been helpful to ask around on facebook by changing your status to something like "Does anyone have any nuclear warhead replicas we could borrow for a project in exchange for a gourmet batch of cookies?" We could trade other students for items and give them baked goods to persuade them into helping us out. We could also invite them too see their lent items in the finished project in the library when we finished. In addition, it would have been optimal if I did not go down with a high fever the day of our assembly and project presentation but our group pulled through and was able to extract some artifacts from my locker because I got in touch with them when I was sick.
For next years groups the most important thing to a group is a strong form of communication. Everyone needs to have each other group members phone numbers, address, facebook, twitter, email, and AIM to make communication go smoothly. Actually one of the best ways to get the ideas flowing is starting a private group message on facebook in which each group member can post links, ideas, and scan in and post pictures of potential artifacts. Then, the group could come to a group consensus on which items should be used and which should be left in a remote dust filled crevice of someone's attic. Also, its very important to get things done ahead of schedule. In situations were time is running short things our bound to go wrong. Not only that but it is important to realize that you are probably brainwashed by Hollywood film writers. One hardly ever sees a movie where technology fails, computers always work smoothly and the users can manipulate various electronic forms of communication without fail. This of course is all fantasy hodge podge. We all know that if its the worst time for a computer to crash it will crash. Don't save printing out items in the AC during the morning because most likely 50 other kids in the AC will try to print out things too and you will find the situation to be highly stressful and not successful. To sum it up, the crucial concepts that future groups should comprehend are communication, organization, and getting work done in a timely manner. A cohesive group will lead to an outstanding project. Individual items might be perceived as junk but when they are assembled into a logical and flowing presentation they mold into the form of an idea that will give the viewer a message with a profound meaning.
Special thanks to group members Joe, David and Kuleen for their determined work ethic and unprecedented brainstorming capabilities.
Monday, June 1, 2009
We Are...Project
We picked different items for each of the sides of the box, with each side representing a different topic of interest. The first side had influence on different genres of the 70s and 80s. We found an old record and a slightly newer CD from the 70s and 80s respectively. The record and CD had completely different genres. One was rock while the other was jazz. There was also a pair of drumsticks, symbolizing the change of genres. The People and Artists of the 70s and 80s had 3 Record Cases which three famous people, including Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen. There were also short biographies on each artist. The third side, with basic music and technology, had pictures of a record player, mini-records (a newer invention for shorter singles). The fourth side, with the clothing and accessories, had a tape recorder as well as two "stylish" shirts from the 70s and 80s.
We obtained the items mostly through old clothing, records, and CDs that my group members and I had at our houses. We also took a look through Goodwill to see if we could find anything, but we only found one item.
The project went really smoothly. The only problem we encountered was the size of our box. Our box was very, very large and was difficult to transport. If we were to do this project again, we may use mulitple smaller boxes. We could also use a stack of boxes, so the transportation would be easier.
For next years class, I would advise them to look forward the project and just have fun with it. I would tell them not to think of it as work and just have fun. Also, I would tell them that they should make sure the topic they pick is something they are genuinely interested in, or else it would be difficult to have fun doing it.
by Vivek S.
Group members: Rainier, Crystal, Brett
Friday, May 29, 2009
Aquatic Environmentalists
Project - Protecting our Water
Most of our items were pictures, all taken during the era between 1970 and 1990. Some were of demonstrations during Earth Day, some were maps of the Great Lakes, and some focused on general topics such as oil spills and trash on the beach. On top is the most noticeable item, a Pennzoil bottle. This represents the oil spills. We have also included a dirty water bottle stuffed with trash, found around the Gunn campus. This symbolizes the water with trash in it.
If I could do this project over, I would probably come up with more unique found art items rather than just pictures to make it more creative. Also, my group would help assemble it at home rather than assemble everything on one day.
My advice to next year's class: Take this project seriously; don't wait until the last minute!
Bite Me
My group's theme was Apple computers and how they have influenced society since the 1960s. Our project was organized onto three boxes, where each box represented a different Apple computer.
The first box was the Apple 1, the first Apple personal computer. The Apple I looked very simple, much like a big brown box with a keyboard; it didn't even have a screen. On this box, we put information about the Apple I, along with information about how the early years of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
The second box we modeled after the Apple II. It was one of the first highly successful mass produced home computers on the market. On this box we made a black and white screen, and put black and white articles of Jobs and Wozniak along with information about the computer and ads for Apple.
On the final box, we made it look like the Apple III, a more business orientated personal computer. It was one of the first computers to have colors, so we put color articles and ads on this box.
If I were to do this project again, I would try to pick a topic that wasn't as hard to find non-expensive objects for. For 2 of our objects, we had to build/model the object we wanted because we couldn't find it anywhere.
Overall this was a fun project and a great way to present information we found about our topic.
By Jeannette
We Are Children Of The Apple Generation
Final Project Debrief
Found Art Project: Being Nuclear
The theme we chose for he Found Art Project was the theme of Nuclear Technology during the 1970s and 1980s. This theme included exploring the people, written works, movies, and main events that involved nuclear technology during that time period. As a result, our artwork reflected all those elements of nuclear technology, mainly the fear of nuclear warfare. The specific items we chose highlight this. The most thematic and obvious item is our Nuclear Waste Barrel that we used instead of the normal boxes for the Found Art Project. The nuclear waste barrel reflects the fear of Nuclear waste piling up in the US. The Ronald Reagan quote on our barrel also addresses the issue of fear of nuclear waste because Reagan said all the waste from a barrel could be stored under a desk per year. We also had a number of items, movie posters, that displayed the nuclear fear during the time. Movies such as Silkwood and The Day After, all capitalized on fear of nuclear war to establish their plots. We also showed numerous written works about nuclear warfare during the time. The watchmen cover, the book "Missile Envy", and the article about jobs in the Nuclear industry all showed different aspects of written works regarding nukes during the target era.
We obtained these items through numerous methods. The barrel, book cover, article, and sample missile were all obtained through actual searching and a certain element of luck. For example, we obtained our barrel by going to the scrap metal yard, and requesting a 55 gallon oil barrel to use for our project. We also obtained a book written during the era (Missile Envy) by asking one of our parents to help us out with any old antiques. We also found the newspaper article, and the nuclear chart using the same asking method.
If I had to do this again, I would certainly try and expand my potential sources of found art. We would also have attempted to find experts on the topic to aid us in understanding the topic of choice. I would advise next year's class to definitely start early. Also, picking a manageable topic, with many found art pieces available makes life significantly easier. Furthermore, I would recommend having a plan B if team members go missing, and encourage very effective communication between group members to aid the project.
Found Art Project
There are several items on our box, but to name a few there is a solar panel, recyclables, organic food boxes, a bird covered in oil, and a windmill. The solar panel and the windmill represent renewable energy sources that are crucial in saving the environment. The recyclables show represent literally the idea of recycling. The organic food boxes are present to show that organic food are better for the environment because they are not exposed to pesticides that disrupt the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. The oil covered bird represents the Exxon Valdez incident with the huge oil spill that affects hundreds of birds.
The main way the we got our items was simply by coming upon them. I found the brochure while I was in Seattle, and the organic food boxes were just lying around. We did construct the solar panel and the windmill but they are made of household items.
If I were to do this project again, I would start earlier and always be on the lookout for relevant items. The more time you give yourself to find items, the more items you will get and the better the items will be. My group started early enough, but you could always start earlier. For this reason, my advice to next year's class is to start early.
Michael Starr
Blog Posting #2 Mrshall Plan (make-up)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
.:We are...Technological:.
Alana VanZanten
Aleena (A.J.) Chaudhry
Athena Phan
Kazzie Hill
Theme: Our theme was the advancements in technology through the 1970's-1990. It was the developments of the nation during this time period, as well as the beginnings of great products, even "necessities" of which we have today. Everyday uses of technology.
Item Choice: Our choice of items encompassed the idea of items invented throughout 1970 to 1990 of which we had advanced upon recently. Pretty much the "ancestors" of technology we use today. An example would be the picture of Steve Jobs, with one of the first Apple Macintosh computers. Macintosh computers have advanced quite a distance farther than the time of invention - showing what potential we had, and how much we could push forward in technology in only a matter of 10-30 years.
Obtaining Items: How we obtained items was significantly from items we had already owned, mainly objects our parents had owned that were invented and used in the 70's through 80's. I, personally, discovered that my dad had a great load of the top-notch technology of the time.We also received items from teachers.
Advice to next year's students: PLAN AHEAD. Dedicate yourself to getting the project done, even before it's due. Procrastination is the biggest folly, make sure you have things planned ahead of time so by the time you will need to display your project, you only need to touch it up a little, or not at all. Also, make sure every person in the group has equal input - this is important because the more input from various people will end up in a better, more diverse and creative project.
US History Final Project May 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
.:Korean War:.

June 25, 1950 marked the day. The day that North Korean forces ambushed South Korea with a surprise-attack on the 38th parallel.
This action launched the beginning of what we call The Korean War.
In only a matter if days, North Koreans had sunken deep into the nation of South Korea. In need of help, South Korea called upon the United Nations to stop the North Korean invasion.
The UN, who lacked the presence of the Soviet Union representatives, passed the vote to assist South Korea.
June 27, 1960 - U.S. troops stationed in Japan were ordered by U.S. president Harry S. Truman to support the North Koreans. Between China and Taiwan, an American fleet was positioned within the waters.
In total, 16 nations sent 520,000 troops to aid South Korea. The majority, over 90%, of these were American troops. These were numbered along with the additional 590,000 troops of South Korea.

On September 15, 1950 - MacArthur's troops made a surprise landing between enemy lines. Around half of the North Koreans troops surrendered.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Crisis over the Berlin Wall and the Bay of Pigs
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Other America

Michael Harrington first exposed the public to the poverty of many Americans through his book The Other America: Poverty in the United States. Many had been previously unaware of the harsh conditions that some had to face, while some who knew chose to ignore them. The Other America showed the Americans that those in poverty were just as human and could feel the suffering that they had to endure. Harrington’s book was powerful enough to bring about attempts to increase the living standards in America, especially in crowded urban areas.
Although the 1950s was a time of prosperity for many, some simply could not escape poverty. During this time, poor farmers moved into the cities to find better work, while the urban areas spread out as suburbs developed. Due to overcrowding, cities lost money, and businesses could not pay their employees.

Because of racism and segregation, African-Americans and Mexican-Americans lived in unsanitary slums in the cities. A policy of urban renewal began when the National Housing Act of 1949 constructed inexpensive new housing and formed the Housing and Urban Development cabinet position. Despite these efforts, they were not adequate to meet the needs of those living in slums. Also, some existing living spaces were torn down to make room for new ones, displacing some who had homes.
Many poor Americans demanded employment, especially African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native Americans, who wanted equal opportunities and demonstrated though civil rights movements and organizations. This unrest continued, exposing an unstable country and economy that was not as secure as many had initially believed. Although some believed the Americans were in a time of plenty, they had not seen that there was a gap between the visible America and the Other America.
.:The Other America:.
By 1962, almost one out of every four Americans were living in conditions under poverty level. By this time "The American Dream" was out of the question for most Americans. The majority of the poor consisted of: the elderly, single women with their children, and minority groups (such as African-Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans).
White Flight
During the 1950's, millions of middle-class white Americans fled the cities to live in the suburbs - dividing them from other races, as well as classes.
Reversely, about 5 million African Americans abandoned the rural South for urban areas.

The Inner Cities
The majority of suburban residents were not even aware of the poverty within the cities. Many refused to believe that poverty could exist in such a powerful nation as the USA.

Urban Renewal
The majority of minorities such as African-Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans lived in unkempt, overpopulated slums.
Miranda v. Arizona
Election of 1960 and the Camelot Years by Brent
The Election of 1960 was a close race between Democratic senator from Massachusetts, John Kennedy and the Republican Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Both candidates had similar stances on issues but John Kennedy was better prepared for the new source of media, the television. During a televised debate on September 26, 1960 about 70 million Americans watched the two candidates duke it out on the big screen. Kennedy was only 43 years old and Nixon hoped to use his knowledge on foreign policy to make Kennedy look bad, but Kennedy was coached prior to the debate by television producers. Kennedy learned how to look at ease and confident and also spoke better than Nixon. Another event that put Kennedy over the top of Nixon was that Kennedy was his stance on civil rights. When Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested and sentenced to several months of hard labor, Kennedy used his influence to get MLK released on bail, pending appeal. This gained support of the African American community. After the votes were counted, Kennedy had won by more than just 100,000 votes.
The Camelot Years were the years of Kennedy's presidency. His family, with his beautiful wife Jacqueline and their cute children, represented the ideal American family. Many Americans began to copy the trends of the family living in the White House. Women looked to Jacqueline for fashion advice while a great deal of other Americans had hopes of becoming a speed reader like Kennedy. Kennedy could read 1600 words per minute which is quite amazing and must have helped him out as president. In addition, Kennedy surrounded himself by the "best and brightest" people to help him out as president. One of these people was his brother, Robert Kennedy who was appointed attorney general. His inauguration included many skilled writers, artists, and scientists which was a humble prelude to the beginnings of the Camelot Years.
Images courtesy of
Crisis Over Berlin and the Bay of Pigs

The Berlin crisis occurred in 1961, just 11 years after the Berlin Airlift. The issue was brought about due to the fleeing of an approximate 3 million East Berliners to the democratically-controlled West Berlin. Not only did East Berlin lose much of its people, the people leaving were often in skilled positions such as doctors and tailors. To stop this mass exodus, Khrushchev made the decision to erect a wall splitting off West Berlin from East Berlin. Within a few days, the Berlin Wall was made with soldiers manning it day and night. While this wall did fulfill its task of preventing East Berliners from leaving, it was also a sign of weakness that Kennedy full took advantage of. He told the American people that Communism had to build walls to keep people from fleeing, which gave the Americans

Another crisis that arose was over the situation in Cuba. The United States tried to secretly overthrow the Cuban government and Fidel Castro, but the plan went seriously awry. The small advance group did not even reach the shore, while the main force of 1,300 Cuban exiles was met by 25,000 Cuban troops with air and tank support. Overpowered as they were, the Cuban exiles were either killed or imprisoned, which reflected badly upon the U.S. Kennedy, who had approved the mission with the advice of his staff, wondered how the mission could go so wrong.
Both of these events were just the start of the Cold War, and they tested both the U.S. and the Soviet Union to see to what lengths each were willing to go to.
Great Society....
To improve some of the economic and social conditions, some major programs were introduced, many of which still exist today. Among the Civil Rights category: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 disallowed any job discrimination and the segregation of public accommodations. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ensured minority voting rights and registration. Public health was also an issue of concern. Even today we may not have free health care provided by the government to everyone, but the government has Medicaid and Medicare to provide health care for individuals on welfare and elderly. Other constituted acts included in the Great Society reforms help decrease poverty, improve education, transportation, environment, and national endowments for the arts and humanities.
For reasons like the Great Society reforms, it is whats make the U.S. such a valued place to live. Almost fifty years later, we must consider taking these reforms to an even higher level.
The Election Of 1960 And Camelot Years
John F. Kennedy's presidential term is often described as the "Camelot Years", since Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline often invited artists, writers and celebrities to the White House. The press loved his smooth style, and he would often appear on television. The Kennedy Family represented the "perfect" American family.
The Other America -by Vivek Sainanee
During the Second World War, much of the workforce was off fighting the war. During this time, American Government started a plan in which Mexicans known as braceros were allowed into the US to contribute to the work force. The braceros mostly harvested crops. The Longoria Incident was a Mexican American hero of World War Two who was killed, but the government in his home town refused to pay the funeral services. Many Native Americans gained citizenship, fought for rights, and joined the American army to fight in World War Two. In 1953, the United States Federal Government announced they would cease to take responsibility of the Native American tribes. This became widely known as the termination policy. The Bureau of Indian Affairs, however, took charge by starting a relocation program to help Native Americans settle in cities. Many of the Native Americans in cities were not able to get decent jobs. Many were subject to racial prejudice and many did not have access to health care. By 1963, the government realized what they were doing and abandoned the termination policy.
by Vivek Sainanee
Creating the Great Society
BY Kuleen Nimkar:
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) had a sweeping vision for the potential of the United States, a vision he named in May 1964: the Great Society. To achieve his vision, LBJ implemented domestic reform in 5 main categories: addressing poverty, improving cities, providing education,helping the environment, and empowering customer advocacy. To fix the aid the poor, LBJ passed the Medicaid Act in 1965 to ensure those on welfare received medical assistance. He also passed the Economic Opportunity Act in 1964, creating the Job Corps., VISTA, Project Head Start, and a variety of programs to win the war against poverty.
To improve cities, LBJ passed the Omnibus Act of 1965 to provide funding for low income housing for the needy. He also formed the Department of Housing and Urban Development to monitor and develop federal housing programs. Along with this line of aid, LBJ significantly increased funding for public education. The Higher Education Act of 1965 funded scholarships and low-interest loans for college students. Another piece of legislature to improve education was the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided over 1 billion dollars to fund schools with textbooks, libraries, and special education.
To protect the slowly eroding environment in the U.S., LBJ implemented a trio of acts: The Water Quality Act, the Clean Air Act Amendment, and the Air Quality Act. These 3 acts ensured safe water in the U.S. for all to drink and use, and it set standards on air pollution and emissions to stop factories from polluting to a dangerous extent. Finally, to empower consumers, LBJ created the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act to make sure the government monitored safety in automobiles and tires. On top of that, LBJ convinced Congress to pass the Truth in Packaging Act of 1966 to make sure companies could not lie to consumers about the consumer products they sold.
This myriad of laws and acts that were established during LBJ's presidency were all aimed at creating LBJ's dream Great Society. While they did not make the country perfect, these programs and laws still function to this day because they provide a valuable and necessary part of the American infrastructure, and help citizens every day.
Miranda v. Arizona

The landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona was decided in 1966 under the Warren Court, a Court known for expanding the rights of accused people.
In 1963, Ernesto Miranda was arrested by the Phoenix police on charges of kidnapping and rape. He was questioned for hours, and signed a confession. He was later convicted, mainly because of his confession. Miranda appealed, claiming that his confession should not hold at trial because it was coerced. He also said that because the police had never advised him of his rights, they had taken advantage of him by violating his 5th amendment right to avoid self-incrimination and his 6th amendment right to an attorney.
The Supreme Court agreed with Miranda in a 5-4 decision. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote that when suspects are interrogated by the police, the situation is "inherently intimidating", making any statement taken from the defendant invalid because it cannot truly be the product of his free choice. The Court directed police to inform suspects of his or her rights at the time of arrest, which are now called Miranda warnings. The court decided that the rights of the accused need to be protected to ensure that innocent people are not thrown in jail. It also ensured that authorities could not harass people for political reasons, which was common during the 50s and 60s.
The decision, although highly controversial, tried to balance the rights of the accused and public safety. The Court believed that although some criminals might walk free because of this decision, it would overall be for the greater good and protect the innocent more than help the guilty.
by Jeannette
Miranda v. Arizona
The Supreme Court overturned Miranda's conviction, stating that the police must inform suspects of their rights at the time of arrest and may not be interrogated if they invoke their rights. Chief Justice Warren based his argument on the Fifth Amendment, the right that a person cannot be forced "to be a witness against himself." He said that interrogations were naturally intimidating and that any evidence obtained could be the true statement of the suspect.
As a result of Miranda v. Arizona, police must inform suspects of their rights at the time of arrest, in order to protect innocents from being wrongfully convicted. As a result, anyone who has seen a person be arrested will know the phrase, "you have the right to remain silent." Critics have said that the "Miranda Warning" protects the rights of criminals, and the decision was challenged in 2000. The Supreme Court supported Miranda v Arizona in Dickerson v. United States, saying there is no reason to overturn Miranda and that it has already "become part of our national culture."
The Other America by David Hwang
A large portion of this crisis was caused by the mass movement of middle-class white Americans moving into the suburbs while millions of African Americans migrated from the rural south to the inner city in hopes of finding jobs. With the loss of the economically valued middle-class in these urban centers, many businesses along with public services failed.
To help remedy the crisis, the National Housing Act of 1949 was passed to provide much needed housing in the urban area. The act intended to convert rundown areas into clean, affordable housing. Instead, much of the demolished property was used for factories, highways, and shopping centers.
Despite the numerous problems in their economic situation, African Americans made momentous leaps in civil rights. Mexican Americans inspired by the success of the African American civil rights movement. Ignacio Lopez founded the Unity League of California to promote and register Mexican-American voting. Native Americans made some steps toward equality with the Passing of the Indian Reorganization Act. However in spite of these immense gains, equality was still far from reach.
With civil rights still in its infancy, and the economic situation in the tank, the post war U.S. should not be always remembered as a pristine and joyous era. Instead one should remember this nation as a whole. There should be no memory of another, but only one and true United States.
Reaction to the Brown Supreme Court Decision
Miranda v. Arizona
In June 13, 1996, the Supreme Court of the United States decides on landmark case Miranda v. Arizona, granting any suspects right to be read Miranda Warning. This case started in 1963, when Ernesto Miranda was arrested at his home in Phoenix, Arizona, with charges of kidnapping and rape. He was interrogated for two hours and signed a confession. Largely based on his confession, he was convicted of his charges. However, Miranda appealed, claiming that his confession was invalid because it was coerced and because the police never advised him of his right to an attorney or his right to avoid self-incrimination.
The Supreme Court of U.S. overturned Miranda's conviction, because police must inform criminal suspects of their legal rights at the time of arrest and may not interrogate suspects who invoke their rights. The legal reason of the court was that Fifth Amendment, which guarantees that an accused person cannot be forced "to be a witness against himself" or herself. Chief Justice Earl Warren who delivered the majority opinion asserted that under the intimidating situation of interrogating, what suspect states can't trubly be of his free choice.
This became the landmark case because it made everyone to be treated with respect by their government, and it protected rights of suspect to ensure that innocent people are not punished.
- Deukkwon Yoon, E
«The Bay of Pigs, Crisis over Berlin»
The Bay of Pigs (La Batalla de Girón)

landing zones and combat area
Though the plan was intended to be secret surprise attack, Cuban intelligence had learned of the plan before its execution via spy work. Also, news of the plan had been loosely talked about by members of the exile brigade, and the plan had been reported by local and foreign newspapers.
An air strike intended to soften the shores for the landing exiles failed to destroy the Cuban Air Force, even though the CIA reported success. The exiles landing on the beach met a Cuban force of 25,000 strong augmented by soviet tanks and aircraft. Unable to mount an effective attack without U.S. air support, and lacking a fallback position, the invasion failed.
In later CIA analysis of the failed invasion, a report was prepared for the main reasons of failure.
- The administration believed that the troops could retreat to the mountains to lead a guerrilla war if they lost in open battle. The mountains were too far to reach on foot, and the troops were deployed in swamp land, where they were easily surrounded.
- They believed that the involvement of the US in the incident could be denied.
- They believed that Cubans would be grateful to be liberated from Fidel Castro and would quickly join the battle. This support failed to materialize; many hundreds of thousands of others were arrested, and some executed, prior to the landings. (see also Priestland 2003; Lynch 2000). The invasion by a foreign country boosted the support of the Fidel Castro government. -Wikipedia

counterrevolutionary prisoners
After World War II, Germany had been split in half, with the western half going to the capitalist Europe and the eastern half going to the soviets. Tensions between the halves and their owners increased when increasing amounts of people tried to escape East Germany to escape communism. During a summit meeting in Vienna, Austria Khrushchev demanded that military forces be removed from West Germany. He threatened to sign a treaty with East Germany blocking all access roads to West Germany. The summit was a showdown between relative newcomer politician Kennedy and veteran politician Khrushchev.

"I want peace. But, if you want war, that is your problem"
-Nikita Khrushchev
The tensions of cold war politics constantly threatened nuclear war. As a result, a hot line was set up between the Kremlin and the White House to guarantee instant negotiation in the face of an emergency.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Korean War
by Vivek and Ranier
4-8-09 E period USH
The Cold War in the Skies

The Cold War in the Skies
by Kuleen and Albert
After Stalin’s death, a vacuum of power was left in Soviet politics. Nikita Khrushchev eventually filled this void. Khrushchev favored a policy involving friendly economic and scientific competition between the two powers. The presence of such a leader among the Soviets sparked the Space Race, as the United States and Soviet Union competed to be the first country to get into space. On 10/4/1957 Russia won the race by launching Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. The U.S. responded frantically, by pouring money into research and successfully launched its first rocket on 1/31/1958.
Though the Soviets won the Space Race, the U.S. had achieved air superiority through their spy planes the U-2’s. After President Eisenhower’s “open skies” proposal was rejected at the 1955 Geneva summit conference, the CIA started high-altitude flights over Soviet territory. They used the U-2, because it could fly at high altitudes to avoid detection, and use infrared cameras to take detailed pictures of Soviet military movement. However, by 1960, U.S. officials were nervous about the program for 2 reasons: 1. Some members of the U.S. press were aware of the spy program and 2. The Soviets had been aware of the flights since 1958. Eisenhower wanted the program terminated, because on 5/15/1960 he and Khrushchev were meeting for a summit to discuss the arms race. He could not afford to ruin his image before the conference. Unfortunately, he was persuaded to allow one last flight on May 1st. On this final mission, the U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers was shot down over Soviet territory, and imprisoned for 10 years. This encounter enraged Khrushchev, who demanded an end to the spying and an apology. Initially, Eisenhower denied the spying activity, however he was forced to admit the espionage when faced with Soviet evidence. Eisenhower agreed to end the clandestine activity, but refused to apologize. Khrushchev canceled the summit, retracted his invitation for Eisenhower to enter the Soviet Union and tension rose. This U-2 incident rekindled much of the tension in the Cold War, and perpetuated the conflict.

Joseph McCarthy was a Republican Senator from Wisconsin in the 1950s. In his past 3 years of experience, he was known for being an ineffective senator. McCarthy knew he needed a strong issue to run on if he was going to be reelected in 1952. He began accusing communists of trying to take over the United States' government. The attacks on suspected communists became known as McCarthyism. Later on, it became known as the unfair tactic of claiming disloyalty without evidence. McCarthy accused Democrats of treason for allowing communist infiltration within the government. He only made accusations in the Senate, where he had legal immunity from being charged of slander. McCarthy claimed there were over 100 communists in the State Department, but could never produce any names. In 1954, McCarthy accused the US Army of communism which resulted in a nationally televised investigation by the Senate. It came to light that McCarthy bullied his witnesses and it cost him public support. The Senate condemned McCarthy, and he died 3 years later from cirrhosis of the liver due to his heavy drinking.
McCarthy's "Witch Hunt"

McCarthy's downfall came in 1954 when he called out the U.S. Army. His lack of evidence and abusive tactics came out into the open and cost him many supporters. As he lost power, the effects of McCarthyism remained due to fear of having loyalty questioned. Even unions were less active in fighting for their causes. Many Americans became more suspicious, and investigations were very common. All in all, the fear of Communism entering American society was a huge factor and drive in both national and international politics for many years to come.

Miyabi and Kristin (Period E)
The Origins of the Korean War

Japan annexed Korea in 1910 and occupied it until August 1945, when Japan surrendered to the Allies. After World War II, Japanese troops in the region north of an imaginary line called the 38th Parallel surrendered to the Soviets, but Japanese troops south of the line surrendered to the Americans. In 1948, South Korea was established and named the Republic of Korea, headed by Syngman Rhee, with the capital in Seoul. At the same time, in the north, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was formed, led by Kim Il Sung in the capital of Pyongyang.
Koreans in the north felt that they should reunite their country under Soviet rule. On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops led a surprise attack across the 38th Parallel into South Korea. The Korean War had begun.
Two days later, on June 27, President Truman and 16 other nations in the UN sent aid to South Korea. 90% of the troops in South Korea were American. To counter the overwhelming force in American troops, communist China sent troops to support the North Koreans, which became a turning point in the war.
In 1953, the Truce Line was established between North and South Korea and remains to this day. South Korea today remains a democratic government, while North Korea today is a dictatorship.
McCarthy's Witch Hunt

Senator Joseph McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin, was the most famous anti-Communist activist. He exploited people's concerns about Communism by making ridiculous accusations which had no support. His attacks on alleged Communists became known as McCarthyism. Today, McCarthy's tactics are known as the McCarthy Witch Hunt. During his time in office McCarthy claimed to have the names of up to 205 Communists in the State Department. However, he never actually produced a single name. He restricted his accusations to within the Senate, where he was protected from being sued for slander. His fellow Republicans made no attempt to stop him because they wanted the public to believe they were getting rid of the nation's Communists. Thus, it would give them an advantage in the 1952 presidential election. In 1954, McCarthy made accusations against the United States Army. These accusations spurred a nationally televised Senate investigation. McCarthy's maltreatment of the witnesses cost him public support. He was condemned by the Senate for improper conduct that "tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute". Three years later he died due to alcoholism.
Origins of the Cold War
Soviet Communism controlled all the property and economic activity of its people. It was run by totalitarian government which disallowed any other political parties. The government was led by Joseph Stalin, who had been an ally to Roosevelt during WWII. However, just before WWII started, Stalin had been Adolf Hitler's ally. The alliance was broken when Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. Because Stalin was not deemed trustworthy, the U.S. did not get along with the Soviet Union and the bitter rivalry started.
The U.S. was looking to further its economic growth and this caused it to get involved in European foreign policy. In order to open trade networks, the U.S. needed allies in Europe and the rest of the world. As the Soviet Union created satellite states in order to spread its communist influence, the U.S. backed democratic countries financially. Because of this, the Soviet Union and the U.S. never fought any actual battles.
The Cold War dominated global affairs during this time period. The Soviet Union and the U.S. were the world's leading superpowers of the time. The U.S. foreign policy would be directed by the course of the Cold War and the war would not end until 1991 when the Soviet Union's economy collapsed.
Deukkwon Yoon
Bryce Filler
Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs by Brent and David

Two accusations of of spies in the United States roused fear and suspicion among American citizens. One of the victims of American xenophobia was Alger Hiss. Wittaker Chambers, a former communist spy, accused Hiss of currently being a spy for the Soviet Union during his time in the State Department. Chambers obtained microfilms from Hiss' typewriter and attempted to use them to prove that he was a spy. Unfortunately for Chambers, too much time passed since the incident to charge him with espionage. Hiss lied about passing the documents and was prosecuted for perjury instead. Then Republican Congressman Richard Nixon pursued this case. Due to publicity of the case, Nixon

Another interesting case was that of the Rosenbergs. It all started on September 3rd, 1949 when the Americans learned the Soviet Union exploded the first atom bomb. Most Americans believed that it would take at least three more years for the Soviets to make the technology work. Looking to find a scapegoat, many Americans believed that "evil" Communists had leaked the secret of the bomb. In 1950, German born physicist Klaus Fuchs admitted to giving information to the Soviet Union about the bomb. He brought Ethel and Julius Rosenberg into the case. They were charged with giving info to the Soviet Union which let them make their bomb work. The Rosenbergs were also members of the American Communist party and were also Jewish. They tried to plead the 5th admentment to not incriminate themseles but the court sentenced them to death for being guilty of espionage. There case made it all the way to the United States Supreme Court but the SC did not overturn the original charge. Many people around the world appealed for clemency for the Rosenbergs but there actions were unsuccessful because the Rosenbergs died in the electric chair in 1953 leaving behind two sons to fend for themselves in an increasingly dangerous world.