Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Election Of 1960 And Camelot Years

In the election of 1960 the Republicans nominated Eisenhower's Vice President Richard M. Nixon as president candidate, the Democrats chose Massachusetts senator John F. Kennedy. Both nominees had similar positions on policy issues. Although Kennedy was much younger than Nixon, and many people felt that he was too inexperienced, he won the election, and would be the second-youngest president in the history of the United States. Two important factors helped him to win the voter's sympathy. On one hand, there was the first televised debate between presidential candidates on September 26, 1960. Since Kennedy had been coached by TV producers he appeared more confident, and spoke better on TV. On the other hand, Kennedy won the voter's sympathy with his support of civil rights, and his willingness to discuss issues openly.
John F. Kennedy's presidential term is often described as the "Camelot Years", since Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline often invited artists, writers and celebrities to the White House. The press loved his smooth style, and he would often appear on television. The Kennedy Family represented the "perfect" American family.



  1. Very Concise! Good Job! I think the 1960 election is really cool becuase it changed elections forever, after it appearance was more important and television became a big role in campagning.

  2. Nice summary! JFK's usage of TV and the detail about Jackie is a nice touch. It would have been more visually appealing if you had added pictures though!

  3. One quick revision for run-on sentences and repeated sentence beginnings would be nice. Otherwise, the historical content was covered everything very concisely, good job on that front.

  4. The construction of these sentances sound vaguely familiar, as though it is right out of the textbook. But that could just be me...
